Thursday, August 7, 2008

Status Update

Unfortunately, there is no status update to report, he is still a DEADBEAT DAD and has still not been located. He has done and continues to do everything possible to evade the authorities; and would rather not have contact with the kids than be found. In the mean time, my kids are suffering, I am suffering, and I can't afford back to school items for them. They are now 15 and 16; and my oldest will be looking for colleges to go to. Unfortunately, she will have to get as many student loans as possible, since she can't depend on her father to help with her tuition.

I am a firm believer of "what comes around goes around". If you feel my pain and struggle, and feel the need to help me and my children, please click on the "donate" button. Good will come onto you. Thank you, and God Bless you and your family.