Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How The Child Support Enforcement Fails Custodial Parents

For those custodial parents who have ex-spouses who do not go to such great lengths to avoid the law, the existing Child Support Enforcemet System does work to a degree. The most important thing is to have an enforceable Child Support Order. There are various systems and methods in place to help locate deadbeat parents, which you can read about here:


However, if you are like me with an ex-spouse that has probably fled the state, and most likely has a fake id and social security number, as well as always works "under the table"; it seems impossible to locate the person. It seems as if the State can only do so much, and if they are not able to "verify a possible address", the case is dead in the water. In addition, other states do not recognize local law enforcement's juridiction, so like in my case, results in dead end after dead end. I would like to see all states have a state-wide "child support wanted list". All states do not.

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