Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Story

I met this man when I was very young and stupid. We got married and had kids, way too young; and he was not mature and responsible enough to be a father. He still is not. He let jealousy and every day problems overtake our lives, and he became extremely violent early in the relationship. I had to call the police multiple times over the years. He pulled my hair, held knives to my throat, tried running me over with the car, hit me; among other things. He was even abusive to my our two children and spanked them excessively, and locked them in their rooms with the lights off when I was at work. He drank excessively, which made his violent behavior worse. It is my belief that he still has these problems, and possibly mental illness. My son has inherited his violent nature, and has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.

After beating me up so bad that I had to be hospitalized, I obtained a Final Restraining Order to protect myself and the kids; and I did not allow him back into my life. This was 1998. Since then, I have been back and forth to court approximately 10 times, in attempts to take away his visitiation rights, and to enforce my Child Support Order. He often times did not show up; and the court was not able to take action.

The last time the kids saw their father was over five years ago. Our visitiation schedule was only "convenient" for him the first few years of our seperation, and quickly dwindled. He has demonstrated little or no interest in the kids, or being a part of their lives. Every few months after getting a "reglular" job and my support was being withheld from his paycheck, he would quit or get fired, and then "work under the table" in order to avoid wage witholding. I have not received money from his tax return since the first year my order was established; which tells me that he has not filed in years; despite my case being set up with automatic tax return offset.
I have not received a child support payment from him since February of 2006. Needless to say, this has put a great financial hardship on me and my kids; and they have had to go without alot of times. I am not able to get them what their friends have.

A Warrant for his arrest was issued by the State of New Jersey shortly thereafter, to no avail. He has not been found to date. Therefore, I have decided to do everything possible I can to locate him on my own, and hopefully with the general public's help.

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